venerdì 4 maggio 2007

energy and carbon saving in cooking

This blog is provided in order to discuss the large energy saving possibilities obtainable in domestic cooking.
Currently in Europe there are millions of old technology electric/gas cooktops and cookers, while the market is able to offer much more efficient solutions that could grant million of TEP (Tons of Petrol Equivalent) savings.
An old technology electric cooker can use as much as 600/700kWh/year, equivalent to >6GJ of energy, while a more modern induction cooker could reduce this to less than 6Gj and a gas cooker could do much more, reducing cusumption to 2GJ ONLY, with savings of 4GJ/household/year.
Many studies sponsored by European community have already proved this "EFFICIENT DOMESTIC OVENS" - TTS Finalnd, SAVE II programme, "A KITCHEN PERSPECTIVE", Dutch study on efficient cooking, "LOWER CARBON FUTURE", "DECADE" from the Oxford university, etc). Savings in terms of primary energy MEAN savings in carbon emissions, given the average 40% efficiency in the production of electricity from fossil fuels.

Even a more traditional, less ambitious separate label for electric cooking appliances and gas cooking appliances, could be extremely important, providing essential information to end users of the enormous savings possible by changing outdated appliances with most modern ones, in the respective energy segment (induction for radiant technology and new gas burners for old ones).

In order to achieve this result, it is essential to start a serious discussion about the introduction of a label, that is surprisingly missing from surface cooking appliances, even if their contribution to overall domestic appliances energy consumption can be set in the range 12-15%.

The aim of this BLOG is to serve as an open forum for all interested stakeholders that could suggest best practices for encouraging authorities to take action.

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